Julia Segura
Economist The Bleyzer Foundation

Julia Segura is an Economist at The Bleyzer Foundation. She joined the team in the summer of 2013. She is a co-author of the monthly economic report on Ukraine and her economic research interests lie in the field of international trade and finance and economic growth. She is also responsible for the preparation of weekly reports on economic developments in Ukraine. She works under preparation of the “Investment Climate of Ukraine” survey; government reforms projections reports; prediction of the macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine for the Department of Economic Strategy and Macroeconomic Forecast; forecast of the macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine for the FocusEconomics Consensus Forecast CIS Countries, Economic Forecasts from the World's Leading Economists participation; preparation of ad hoc sector reports, such as the issues facing the banking sector in Ukraine.
Before joining The Bleyzer Foundation team Ms. Segura was Financial Analyst at Sumatra, Ltd in Kyiv, Ukraine. Sumatra Ltd. manages COSMO, one of the largest drogerie chains in Ukraine, with 60 stores and 1,440 employees in Kyiv and other major cities of Ukraine. She was responsible for analysis of financial performance, calculation of the profitability of goods (24000 products), seasonality, price formation, elasticities, calculation and forecasts of EBITDA, projections of sales grow analyses of markets and competitors and various aspects of statistical, finance and economical research for profitable and perspective locations for new stores. She also took a part in the construction, optimization and prediction of models of managerial reports, P&L, cash flow and budget consolidation reports. Ms. Segura holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the joint program of the New Brunswick University, Canada, and the International Institute of Business, Kyiv. She also has a Master of International Finance and a Bachelor in International Management and Economics from the Kyiv National Economy University. In addition, she finished the Program of Management Development (PMD) in Managerial Finance, of the International Management Institute MIM, in Kyiv. She also attended lectures of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE), the Lone Star College in Texas and the RICE University of Houston. Furthermore, she was certified by the VOX Ukraine of the course “Ukraine: An insider’s view on macroeconomics, central banking, and monetary policy”.